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[통계] 올바른 상관분석 고르기 (pearson, spearman, Kendall, etc) Choosing the Best Correlation Test논문을 읽다보면 수많은 통계 방법들이 나와서 종종 멘붕에 빠질 때도 많고,연구 초반에는 무적의 cor.test() 코드를 사용해 상관분석을 진행했다가,올바른 분석 방법을 사용하지 않았다는 지적을 받고 분석을 처음부터 다시 시작해야 하는 실수를 하기도 했음... 이 세상에 상관분석이 딱 하나만 존재한다면 얼마나 좋았을까 1. 상관분석 이해하기 (Understanding Correlation Analysis)* 개념 (Concept)- 상관분석은 두 변수 간의 관계의 강도와 방향을 측정하는 통계적 방법 (a statistical method used to assess the strength and direction of the relationshi.. 2024. 5. 16.
[Neuroscience] Semantic and Episodic Memory #1 The human hippocampus The hippocampus("seahorse") was given its name by Bolognese anatomist Giulio Cesare Aranzi (circa 1564) ++we talked about this in the vision lecture, "Jennifer Aniston Cell" -respond to Sydney opera house… Hippocampus & Memory Modern studies of the hippocampal role in memory began with studies of the famous neurological patient H.M. Large portions of H.M.'s medial temporal .. 2023. 4. 12.
Neurobiology of Fear #4 Neurobiology of Anxiety disorders Cued and contextual fear conditioning are used as animal models for studying the neurobiological basis for human disorders such as: Understanding the neural circuits that drive fear and anxiety may allow us to develop new treatments for these disorders We would like to know: how can fear be inhibited or suppressed? ++ understanding these behaviors are very impor.. 2023. 4. 12.
Neurobiology of Fear #3 Three types of optogenetic transgenes Channelrhodopsin is a sodium channel sensitive to blue light, which causes sodium to enter and depolarize the cell. (excites cell) Halorhodopsin is a chloride pump sensitive to yellow light, which causes chloride to be pumped in, hyperpolarizing the cell. (inhibit cell) Archaerhodopsin is a proton pump sensitive to green light, which causes hydrogen ions (pr.. 2023. 4. 12.