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Biostatistics #2-2 (Shape of Distribution, 분포의 모양)

by research_notes 2022. 2. 5.

Characteristics of Distribution

  • Shape
  • Central Tendency (where the center is located) --> skewedness
  • Variability: how spread out the scores are) --> kurtosis


Shape of a Frequency Distribution

  • Normal Distribution (정규분포, = Gaussian Distribution) 
    • 도수분포곡선이 평균값을 중앙으로 하여 좌우대칭인 종 모양 (bell curve)을 이루는 것
    • 종을 엎어 놓은 것과 같은 모양을 하고 있으며, 하나의 꼭지를 갖는 좌우 대칭적인 연속적 변인의 분포.
    • Symmetrical and mathematically certain in most situations.
    • The word normal refers to a specific shape, defined by a mathematical equation.
    • The greatest frequency is in the middle and relatively smaller frequencies as you move towards either extreme.

Skew (왜도=좌우 비대칭성)

: 실제 형태나 대칭 형태로부터의 왜곡.

  • 대칭분포 (Symmetrical Distribution)
    • possible to draw a vertical line through the middle so that one side of the distribution is a mirror image of the other.

  • 비대칭분포 / 편중분포 (Skewed Distribution)
    • 확률분포의 최대 빈도수가 기대치의 오른 편에 위치하고 있으면 음의 비대칭도를 보이고, 왼쪽으로 위치하면 정의 비대칭도를 보인다. (꼬리의 위치가 오른 쪽에 있으면 positively skewed, 왼쪽에 있으면 negatively skewed)
    • the scores tend to pile up toward one end of the scale and taper off gradually at the other end.
    • the section where the scores taper off toward one end of the distribution is called the tail of the distribution. 

Kurtosis (첨도=뾰족한 정도)

: 도수분포의 뾰족한 정도. 

: the sharpness of the peak of a frequency distribution curve.

  • Mesokurtic(중첨): the 'peakedness' or kurtosis is the same as the normal distribution.
    • 정규분포의 첨도와 같음 = 0
  • Leptokurtic(급첨): the 'peakedness' or kurtosis is greater than the normal distribution.
    • 정규분포보다 더 뾰족함 > 0 
  • Platykurtic(평첨): the 'peakedness' or kurtosis is less than the normal distribution.
    • 정규분포보다 더 평평함 < 0

출처: 구글, 네이버 지식백과, Youtube > Academic Lesson
