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Neurobiology of Fear #4 Neurobiology of Anxiety disorders Cued and contextual fear conditioning are used as animal models for studying the neurobiological basis for human disorders such as: Understanding the neural circuits that drive fear and anxiety may allow us to develop new treatments for these disorders We would like to know: how can fear be inhibited or suppressed? ++ understanding these behaviors are very impor.. 2023. 4. 12.
Neurobiology of Fear #3 Three types of optogenetic transgenes Channelrhodopsin is a sodium channel sensitive to blue light, which causes sodium to enter and depolarize the cell. (excites cell) Halorhodopsin is a chloride pump sensitive to yellow light, which causes chloride to be pumped in, hyperpolarizing the cell. (inhibit cell) Archaerhodopsin is a proton pump sensitive to green light, which causes hydrogen ions (pr.. 2023. 4. 12.
Neurobiology of Fear #2 Anatomy of the Amygdala The "striatal amygdala" has inhibitory projection neurons, and consists of the central (Ce) and medial (M) nuclei. The central and medial nucleus together are sometimes referred to as the "extended amygdala" The "cortical amygdala" has excitatory projection neurons, and consists of the Lateral (LA), Basal (B) and accessory basal (AB) nuclei. The lateral and basal nucleus .. 2023. 4. 12.
Neurobiology of Fear #1 Expression of defensive behaviors varies with intensity of danger Predators consuming prey go through procurement, pursuit and strike Prey have adapted to these predator behaviors with anxiety, fear and panic-related behaviors (increasing intensity of danger) ++ anxiety and fear related behaviors our kinds of expressions of defensive behavior of animals have when they are facing danger and threa.. 2023. 4. 12.